
A Photo of Me by the incomparable Traci Matlock

Originally uploaded by bethbeutel.
This photo was taken by Traci Matlock... of
Rose and Olive

Rose and Olive do the Unthinkable. They make money from photoblogging. They are true bohemian artists. They live in neighboring colorful and almost unbearably messy apartments in the heights. They have seemingly endless volumes of poetry and literary theory books laying around their homes... Rose and Olive are completely light-hearted individuals who aren't afraid to explore any aspect of humanity regardless of how unnerving it may be. And most of the photography is actually disturbing and beautiful, which is a difficult feat to accomplish...

And then there are Olive's photos of me. and I don't quite understand them in the context of the body of her work. Maybe it's because we don't know each other very well... But just as she adds muses in the form of comments around her photo blogs that are completely projections on to what she thinks I am like, I project onto her that I bring out the light and playful side to her otherwise darkly sexualized work. From the outsiders point of view, distinguishing Olive's work from Rose's (or Traci's from Ashley's) is like trying to tell two drops of water apart. Their collective photoblogs on both nerve.com the online sex magazine and on flickr are both filled with shame, humiliation, pain and sometimes even the grotesque. And yes, sex does frequently evoke those emotions...

And then you see the photos of me. They are light, playful and mysterious. And where does it come from?

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