
Gratitude Listing: Reorder your attitude

I once had a friend say to me "if you can learn to be truly greatful, then the rest will come." Indeed, gratitude seems to be the thing that the divine energy of the universe responds to most. When you say a prayer of thanks and really mean it, how good does it feel? When you work your butt of to make something happen, and it finally does, doesn't it feel better than getting things you don't deserve?

Saying daily affirmations is supposed to be a good way to get your energy going and set your mind in the right directions. It's interesting, though, that almost every affirmation site I've come across says to express them in the present tense and be greatful that you have those things-- act as though you already have those things that you want, and express your gratitude for having them. This way you are acknowledging that the universe has already set in motion for you to have your needs met.

On that note, here's some of the affirmations I say while laying in bed:

I have the perfect job for me.
I am financially secure.
I am courageous.
I have meaningful and well-maintained friendships.
I have a good relationship with my family.
I am healthy and becoming healthier every day.
I am wealthy and becoming wealthier every day.
I have the ability to realize my goals.
I have the commitment to realize my goals.

It's weird, but so are plenty of other really helpful things: like the fact that your microbes do most of your digesting for you.

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